Better Goals for Better Results

Happy New Year!

As we head into 2022, we’re going to be inspired to declare resolutions or goals or aspirations for ourselves and our lives - which is amazing - inspiration to create goals for ourselves based on reflection of previous outcomes and current emotions is the first step to making change. 

But many people don’t move from this initial phase of change making and accomplish their goals because they either fail to make a plan and take consistent action or they try to do all the things all at once, which is most often not an effective route to sustainable and long term success.

​Without action, without work, without trial and error and failing forward, how can we ever expect to move from point A to point B and eventually to Z?

​We can’t.

​Likewise, without a clear plan, even if we ARE taking action, we could be squirreling from idea to idea, shiny object to shiny object, leaving us chasing our own tails! 

​This is where consistency comes in; this is the actual "secret and magic sauce" that gets folks the results they are seeking - in fitness, in finance, in business, in relationships, in pretty much everything.

​With the onslaught of new year, new you messaging and marketing, it will be tempting to jump on what seems the shiniest and fastest way to reach your goals. 

But maybe this year, try a different route.

​One that balances the basics with do-ability that allows you to do the work, for a sustainable amount of time, so that you make the progress towards the goals you seek.

There is a lot of “anti-resolution” noise right now here in the world of social media, but I think that goal setting and resolution declaring and intention setting can be incredibly useful, as long as folks also have a plan of action to actually do the consistent work to bridge them from here to their end game. 

Resolutions aren’t the problem.

​The lack of a plan of action that can be implemented with consistency is where most folks miss the mark.

Straight Up Strong is designed to support folks reach their fitness goals by giving them the plan (programming) and support with implementation via coaching and/or live training sessions. This is why our members stay with us for the long haul (most members have the 6 month membership!) and this is why they are mastering their push-ups, adding weight to their overhead presses and squats, swinging kettlebells with increased confidence - because they have the plan and the support to be consistent.​

As a little new year gift,click ------> SEEDDZ Goal Setting Method.pdf , <------ for a handy workbook that walks you through my six step SEEDDZ goal setting method to really dig into your why and creation of an action plan! While it can seem like annoying work to do, following these steps can enhance your goal / intention setting by having you really carve out what you will be doing to reach your goals and why they are important to you! And like anything worth doing, a little work goes a long way!

​So, are you setting goals, intentions or declaring resolutions this week? If so, we’d love to hear what you will be working to achieve in 2022!


Coach Michelle


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