
Better Goals for Better Results
motivation Michelle Farrell motivation Michelle Farrell

Better Goals for Better Results

As we head into the new year, we’re going to be inspired to declare resolutions or goals or aspirations for ourselves and our lives - which is amazing - inspiration to create goals for ourselves based on reflection of previous outcomes and current emotions is the first step to making change.

But many people don’t move from this initial phase of change making and accomplish their goals because they either fail to make a plan and take consistent action or they try to do all the things all at once, which is most often not an effective route to sustainable and long term success.

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Pick a Lane
motivation, fitness, beginner fitness Michelle Farrell motivation, fitness, beginner fitness Michelle Farrell

Pick a Lane

This bobbing and weaving actually creates more slow downs, but in our minds, we’re in control! We’re moving! We’re making the choices here! So instead of staying the course, we seek the next flashy opening and slide on into the new slot that we think is going to move us along faster. This happens in the fitness and nutrition industry all the time too.  We think we are supposed to see and feel results RIGHT NOW because of the marketing of “14 day challenges” and other diet nonsense about “fast physique changes” we absorb almost everywhere we go.

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