Pick a Lane

🚗 Pick a Lane. 🚗 

Not saying you have to stay there forever, but constantly weaving from one lane to another, is really not going to get you where you want to be any faster (in most traffic situations)

This bobbing and weaving actually creates more slow downs, but in our minds, we’re in control! We’re moving! We’re making the choices here! So instead of staying the course, we seek the next flashy opening and slide on into the new slot that we think is going to move us along faster.

This happens in the fitness and nutrition industry all the time too.  We think we are supposed to see and feel results RIGHT NOW because of the marketing of “14 day challenges” and other diet nonsense about “fast physique changes” we absorb almost everywhere we go.

Even when not thinking weight loss and aesthetics, when we aren’t reaching out strength or endurance or athletic goals as fast as we *think* we should be, we are so likely to bob and weave into the next program, the next shiny promise of fast results.

But actually what works is consistency with progressive overload of challenges for our bodies to adapt to and then add more challenge.

When working with a coach, you have put your trust into them.  You picked them because something about them and their programming spoke to you.  You picked them To guide you. To support you. So if after a month or two, you think you need to switch the lanes, take a pause and reflect on why that is.  Is it really not a good fit (it might be!) Or are you feeling impatient for change? 

But if you are constantly program and coach jumping, it could be time to take a breath and look at the common denominator (without shame or guilt, but thoughtfully) and reflect on WHY this is happening.

Honestly, any strength program or nutrition program should be given at least 3 months of consistency before lane jumping - a true legit chance to implement and practice. 

In Straight Up Strong we curate monthly strength programs based on progressive overload, giving feedback and encouragement  to our members to try the heavier the weight, to try the push-up on the floor, to try the extra reps- because that’s how they will get stronger and experience the strength they already have; by practicing the basics but with increasing the challenge point as their bodies and minds are adapting and ready for the next challenge.  And this looks different for everybody.

We know we aren’t for everybody, our approach is very different then all the programs out there promising weight loss and toned booties- but we promise that when you join us, we are here with you every step of the way.

Interested in seeing what our membership is all about? Join us for your first month at a special rate of just $49!

We can’t wait to get strong with you!


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