
Pick a Lane
motivation, fitness, beginner fitness Michelle Farrell motivation, fitness, beginner fitness Michelle Farrell

Pick a Lane

This bobbing and weaving actually creates more slow downs, but in our minds, we’re in control! We’re moving! We’re making the choices here! So instead of staying the course, we seek the next flashy opening and slide on into the new slot that we think is going to move us along faster. This happens in the fitness and nutrition industry all the time too.  We think we are supposed to see and feel results RIGHT NOW because of the marketing of “14 day challenges” and other diet nonsense about “fast physique changes” we absorb almost everywhere we go.

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The Most Undervalued Core Exercise: the Dead Bug
fitness Michelle Farrell fitness Michelle Farrell

The Most Undervalued Core Exercise: the Dead Bug

The dead bug! An incredibly underestimated and devalued (by many!) exercise for the core, is often poo-pooed for being “too easy” and not “hard core enough”. But what I’ve found, is that many doing the poo-pooing of this exercise, are actually performing the exercise without intention and missing a critical piece of the “form” of the exercise. Read on for tips to maximize Coach Michelle’s favorite core exercise!

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How Do I Pick a Weight for an Exercise????
fitness Michelle Farrell fitness Michelle Farrell

How Do I Pick a Weight for an Exercise????

A question that has been popping up more frequently for us, especially with folks starting or restarting a strength routine is:

​"How do I determine the right weight for an exercise?"

​t might take some trial and error at first, but once you discover the starting weight for the rep range and exercise you are working on, you'll be able to progress as you gain strength from consistently implementing your training program!

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