Four Beginner Core Exercises

While many fitness pros promise a six pack and flat tummies with their programs, core strength is really so much more than what your torso looks like. #ItsTheTruth

In fact, a strong core is really central to all your movements - in life and in the weight room. 

Your core supports balance and stability

Your core supports your daily living tasks- getting out of bed, bending and twisting and carrying during household tasks, getting up and down from the floor to play with your kids or cats, sitting at work …

When lifting weights, having core strength and being able to engage your core adds power, strength and safety to your movements.  Safety? Yup, it helps to protect your lower back by keeping it in good alignment.

These are four of my favorite core exercises to integrate into programming for clients, and variations are provided based on current needs - because that’s how we stronger, challenging ourselves from where we currently are.

1. Incline plank

2. Heel drops

3. Bear holds

4. Bottom leg bent side plank

Typically, start with a 20 second hold with a 40 second rest 2-3 times.  Increase your time of work as you get stronger!

Check out this reel on the gram for a visual! And don’t forget to comment and share if this is helpful for you!

Because our core is so central to our lives, learning about and strengthening core will be a main component of #FitnessAcademyForBeginners as well as creating tension, incorporating breathing and thinking about how these relate to posture and alignment in our lifts!  We start October 18th and would love to have you join us!

4 weeks

2 time a week live training sessions

2 highly experienced coaches

All the access to your coaches to support your success!


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